terça-feira, abril 14, 2015


The writer Ruy Câmara demonstrates enviable literary maturity. It is rare for a writer even to end his career with a novel of such great consistency. Songs of Autumn is a disturbing and original book. On its pages, Ruy Câmara narrates the story of a young Latin American poet who carries on a vanguard literature and life in Europe one hundred years before the Boom. The Brazilian author submerges spontaneously in the life of the Count of Lautréamont, without letting erudition override the poetry. Blessed be Ruy Câmara, who brings us so very close to a cursed genius!
(António Skármeta)

It is a monumental novel, frightening and moving, which deserves to be read and reread slowly. Over the past two centuries, great names in world literature have tried, in vain, to reconstruct the enigmatic life story of the writer Isidore Ducasse (1846-1870), but it is the Brazilian writer Ruy Câmara who has been able to penetrate the abysses of his universe and reveal a dark, discontinuous anti-universe that is no less tragic than reality. This is Câmara's debut at the beginning of the century that will inspire future generations of writers: a cleverly written, esthetically perfect work that deserves to be read, reread and savored slowly.
(Geraldo Mello Mourão)

When reading the first pages of Ruy Câmara’s novel, I confess that I had a shock. I was shocked because I was standing before a miracle, a miracle supported not only by documentation, but also by an imagination that worked and arduously developed the life of a poet who we believed to have astray, which lasted only 24 years. But the merit of Ruy Câmara, author of the work, resides almost on a total identification with Lautréamont’s thought, because, on this scarce documentation, , there has never been anything produced, in France or anywhere else, remotely comparable to this prodigious novel that we have in our hands. Much more than any historian, author or European literary critic, Ruy Câmara brings us this vision of the reality of Lautréamont, this tangible, extremely palpable, and I would say moreover, abysmal view. The greatest merit of the book is an existence which is masterfully reinvented. One thing that fascinated me right from the start, regarding the reading of Songs of Autumn, is its reflective tone. The book is fascinating because Ruy Câmara not only rescues an existence which was believed lost, but he also rescues the thought of an epoch and, above all, the thought of a brilliant author. He describes the pain of this author as if it were his own. He narrates his perambulations through Paris, his frustrated visit to a dysphasic Baudelaire, relates the imaginary chat with the specter of Voltaire in the Pantheon of Paris, and to all of this, he adds the vision of his inventive talent. Here lies the secret of the fictional triumph of this book. To all of this, Ruy Câmara confers amazing novelesque veracity. It is in this manner that the story of the life of Lautréamont, although a long book of almost 400 pages, can be read in one sitting or in one breath, because it is really the life of an extraordinary poet.
(Ivan Junqueira)
President of the Brazilian Letters Academy
Rio de Janeiro, Brezil

Cantece de toamna, de CAMARA, Ruy
Fictiune - Literatura universala
Editura RAO
Traducător Iulia Baran

ISBN 978 973 103 500 0
Nr. pagini 512
Format: Biblioteca RAO
Anul apariţiei: 2008

45,99 Lei
Cantece de toamna este un roman monumental, infricosator si emotionant. In ultimele doua secole, mari nume ale literaturii mondiale au incercat in van sa reconstituie enigmatica traiectorie a scriitorului Isidore Ducasse (1846-¬1870), dar cel care a intrat in abisurile universului sau si a reusit sa dezvaluie antiuniversul intunecat, discontinuu si nu mai putin tragic decat realitatea a fost romancierul brazilian Ruy Câmara, care debuteaza la acest inceput de secol pentru a inspira viitoarele generatii de scriitori. Iata o opera genial de ciudata, perfecta sub aspect estetic, ce merita a fi citita, recitita si gustata in liniste. Gerardo Mello Mourão

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